Speech and Communication Training
We offer results-oriented Speaking with Impact workshops based on the methods of communication excellence formulated by Lilyan Wilder. Students learn to speak with conviction, communicate clearly and persuasively, and project with self-confidence. Our primary goal is to strengthen the ability of the participants to speak effectively in a variety of realistic situations.
Course participants practice using real-world scenarios taken from recent headlines while benefiting from the mentorship and feedback of experienced instructors.
Participants gain the tools necessary to become effective and confident communicators, enhancing their ability to forcefully present their case in the most clear, structured and articulate manner.

Some of our personalized hands-on training include:
Positioned to Make a Difference
Lilyan’s ardent support for Israel and the Jewish people inspired her to establish professional training for advocates of Israel. She brought vision, expertise, and determination to help Israel communicate its message during her lifetime. This dream continues to live on through the Lilyan Wilder Group: Center for Communication Excellence.
The workshop instructors are Lilyan Wilder’s protégés who are fully trained in her methodology and determined to fulfill Lilyan’s bequest to train speakers representing Israel and the Jewish people. The instructors are experienced educators, business people, marketing and sales professionals, and public speakers. Our instructors are motivated to action by a deep concern about how Israel is presented to the world and by the determination to make a difference.
Praise About Lilyan Wilder and the Center

Bill Ritter of ABC’s Eyewitness News in NYC posted a moving eulogy of Lilyan on April 02, 2009 in which he related his experiences as a “student” of the “the grand dame of broadcast coaching.” Towards the bottom of the column he writes about her.

"Rosenstein has developed dozens of workshops and her multimedia presentations instruct leaders to prepare their messages, connect with the audience, and speak with impact. Rosenstein has traveled all over the world, training over 1,500 students to become better communicators. Her diverse clientele includes members of the Foreign Ministry, officers in the IDF, Knesset members, and other high-profile officials." -The Jewish Press, 2018
The Jewish Press, 2018

“One of the problems I have found is many Israeli spokespeople think that saying the things our enemies like to hear would cause them to love us.” - Eva Rosenstein, President of the Lilyan Wilder Group. The Jewish Press, 2018